Aurora Alderman Stephanie Kifowit Invites Illinois House Jobs Task Force Chair Lou Lang to Aurora Jobs Creation Luncheon

Deputy Majority Leader Lou Lang

(Aurora, IL) — February 18, 2010. The Illinois legislature is turning it attention to job creation in Aurora.

“A delay in a project can cost a company millions of dollars and results in jobs being lost or not created”, states Aurora Alderman Stephanie Kifowit, co-host of the Aurora Job Creation Luncheon on February 26.

“This lunch is a frank discussion regarding jobs, and instances where procedures or outdated processes have stymied job creation in the State of Illinois.”

Deputy Majority Leader Representative Lou Lang (D-Skokie), Chairman of the House Task Force on Job Creation, is coming to Aurora to hear the ideas of Aurora businessmen and citizens at Kifowit’s invitation, according to the Aurora Beacon-News.

“My goal as Chairman of the Illinois House Bipartisan Job Creation Committee is to hear from the community what the State can do better,” said Lang. “If it is construction, environmental permit and processing, funding restrictions, or just improving communication, I want to know about it—because I want to fix it.”

Lang and the other 40 lawmakers on the bi-partisan commission are holding hearings throughout the state.

“The business community can tell me best where the problem issues lie,” said Lang.

“Job creation is the number one concern for the residents of Aurora,” said Kifowit. “That is why this luncheon is supported by all three Chambers represented in Aurora; the Aurora Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Aurora Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Quad County African American Chamber of Commerce.”

The lunch is being held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at newly opened Basil’s Restaurant, 4000 Fox Valley Center, Aurora, IL.

Tickets are $30 for the meal, and interested parties can call the Alderman’s office at (630) 844-3619 for more information and to RSVP.  Seating is limited.